Sniffing in the park today. |
After a week of being mostly out of town and suspended dog walks, this Saturday morning gave Chloe and me the opportunity to hike up to the park. It was also a chance to break out Chloe’s 30-foot long orange colored training leash and have another go at doing ‘recall training’, which is a description of having her return to me on command. The only thing I didn’t count on was Chloe’s insistence of spending her time sniffing all over the park. Once she gets into her cocker spaniel hunting groove, there’s no use in trying to get her attention for a little training.
On weekends Chloe is more laid back, which typically means she likes to do things her way and on her timing. So instead of pushing the training thing, I eased off and we wandered around the park together with Chloe lost in her own world of sniffing. Looking up only for the occasional passing dog walker, Chloe kept a vigilance on her activity, until she suddenly remembered that I was carrying her favorite snack of Charlee Bears.
From that moment on, she snapped to attention and we proceeded to do some recall training with Chloe heeding my commands of “wait”, “sit” and “come” all for the sake of that tiny cracker treat. It never fails, when Chloe’s stomach starts to rumble, …things can usually get back on track!
The 30-foot leash attached, Chloe wanders off for sniffing... |
No time for training now, the park smells are calling... |
Only the occasional dog walker gets her attention... |
Realizing I have treats, Chloe finally snaps in line for training... |
And lays down on my command... |
And walks over on command for her Charlee Bear! |
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