A Spring Day in January


Today is Saturday January 26th, and already we have what might be called our first spring day in the high desert. Leaving the house at 8 am, the temperature was 46 degrees, which although cool, is 20 degrees higher than we’ve seen in the past two weeks, when temperatures in the teens were the norm. They are forecasting rain, for later in the day along with snow in the mountain elevations, which is a must-needed ingredient here in order to compensate for the dry winter.

Chloe, no doubt noticed the warmer temperature as she shed the weight of her fleece jacket for today’s outing. It was all business as we made the hike to the park. Only a few minor patches of last week’s snow were still visible in areas. Chloe also stopped to smell the plants and rocks, not to mention a sitting break to take in the sights at the park.

Chloe enjoys the sights at the park this morning.
Chloe takes in the smells at this rock.
It's all business for Chloe as we walk to the park.

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