Upstairs, Downstairs


Chloe poses next to the gate that leads to the upstairs.

There’s a well-known British television series called Upstairs, Downstairs that told the stories of aristocrats living in the upstairs chambers of their estates along with their servants that occupied the downstairs quarters. The short of it was, that the escapades of the wealthy in some ways were not much different from those of their butlers and maids, but simply on a different financial level. I remember that in some stories, the servants even moved to the upstairs through either marriage to one of the wealthy owners' sons or daughters, or through other financial arrangements.

It was this series that came to mind, when Chloe moved upstairs during our remodeling of the downstairs rooms with new tile flooring. The work displaced Chloe’s normal bedding location. Of course, Chloe who has lived most of her adult life downstairs, doesn’t have scandalizing stories in which to tell, but the move no doubt brought excitement, confusion and relieve in her doggy world, as she was now given permission to patrol the upstairs living quarters, where her bedding was relocated to the guest room.

As I observed Chloe during the transition, her demeanor literally changed overnight, as if to say, “I’m an adult and not a puppy!” I should be allowed to wander anywhere, regardless of it being upstairs or downstairs. Well, maybe we had been wrong in keeping Chloe downstairs for so long, but now Karen and I both agree that our cocker spaniel, - which loves her human companions as she follows us around constantly - really deserves to be living upstairs. It’s even fun to watch her going upstairs and downstairs!

Waiting to go upstairs. 
Hey, are you going to open the gate!

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