"Someone's Got a Birthday, I Wonder Who!"


"Someone's Got a Birthday, I Wonder Who!"
Today, is Chloe's third Birthday.

If you lived in Albuquerque, or were in listening range of the local radio station KOB in the 1990s, you may remember a talk show host that would deliver the line, “someone’s got a birthday, I wonder who!” which was quickly followed up with a listener’s name that had a birthday on that day.

Chloe has been hearing me say that to her all week, that today October 19th is her third birthday. I asked her what she wanted on her special day, and without hesitation she proclaimed, “treats, treats, and more treats!”  I guess since it’s her day, we’ll spoil her with a few more extra treats.
Happy Birthday Chloe!

The Birthday Girl & Me
One of my favorite pictures of Chloe from 2012, and no, she didn't chew that hole in my jeans.
 We were playing and the knee finally wore out.

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