American Versus English


Chloe, An American Cocker Spaniel.

With the 2012 Summer Olympics taking place in Great Britain, it’s only appropriate that we take a look across the pond and examine the distinctly different, but similar breeds of the American Cocker Spaniel versus the English Cocker Spaniel.

Chloe is a purebred “American Cocker Spaniel” with specific features that separate her from her English cousin. 

SIZE | Chloe is slightly smaller in stature than the English version.

EYES | Chloe’s eyes are larger and more rounded, and tend to have a straight-ahead look while the English Spaniel has full but not prominent eyes.

HEAD | Chloe’s head is dome shaped with a pronounced stop, or shorter muzzle, and has more clearly defined eyebrows. An English Spaniel has a longer square shaped muzzle. 

EARS | Both breeds have ears that are handsomely long with fur that is well feathered at the edges. These long lobular ear shapes are the trademark of the Cocker Spaniel.

BODY | Chloe’s body is more sculptured where her back slopes downward from the shoulder line. The English version portraits a strong, but more compact body shape. The length of Chloe’s coat is also distinctively longer and fuller. 

TAIL | Chloe’s tail is docked and sits higher on the body which gives her a shape that is well proportioned and balanced. The tail of the English Spaniel is positioned lower on the body.

American Cocker Spaniel vs English Cocker Spaniel 

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