A Disney Movie Night


Courtesy of Walt Disney
Chloe has been bugging me as to when are we going to watch her look alike from Disney’s, “Lady and The Tramp.”

“To be honest, I’ve never watched the movie.” I said. “Well that makes two of us.” remarked Chloe. 

I recited to her some of the technical aspects of the movie, like its original release date of June 22, 1955, and that it was the first animation film ever photographed in widescreen CinemaScope, which apparently proved problematic for many small screen theatres at the time.

I also pointed out that the animators spent long hours, studying the different dog breeds, to capture their personality and movement in order to accurately portray Lady as an American Cocker Spaniel, and Tramp as a mutt.

“That all fine and good, let’s just see the movie!” exclaimed Chloe. 

So, I purchased “Lady and The Tramp” from EBay. Now if Chloe can stay up one evening, she’s prone to falling asleep, we’ll sit on the big easy chair together to watch the film, and when we’re finished, I know my young granddaughters, who are Disney fanatics, will certainly enjoy watching this classic.

A Disney movie night, watching "Tangled."
My young granddaughters, the Disney fanatics.

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